Archive for the ‘Ruby on Rails’ Category
Sunday, December 13th, 2015 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
In a Ruby on Rails app, I wanted a list to be at least of two items. This could be done in several ways. Here is a first naïve impementation: # Naïve implementation, just return whatever number I need def sum_up_a(existing) return 2 if existing == 0 return 1 if existing == 1 return 0 end […]
Tags: Code, ruby
Posted in Code, Ruby on Rails | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Grabbing data from Restful webservices has never been easier. I use this code in the Rails /db/seeds.rb file to grab data from the Danish webservice with addresses, municipalities, regions, etc. I decided to import the data into a local database to ensure it could work offline. Code from /db/seeds.rb file: Now I can access municipalities […]
Tags: bootstrap, Code, rails, ruby
Posted in Code, Ruby on Rails | 1 Comment »
Sunday, February 7th, 2010 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
I wanted a way to see if somebody had entered “illegal” data into loaded fixtures. So I wrote this simple rake task. It’s also useful to run as you add more validations to your files.
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Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
I made this addition today after (once again) struggling with option groups for a nested Rails model. My solution: create a new tag for FormOptionsHelper: grouped_select
Tags: Code, rails, Ruby on Rails, Web Development
Posted in Code, Ruby on Rails | 1 Comment »
Friday, May 29th, 2009 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
I trimmed my installed Rubygems on my local development machine. The command “sudo gem cleanup” is just for that. Only problem: What about my older Rails apps that require a specific version of Rails, ActiveRecord, etc.? My solution: gem list –no-versions | grep -v “^active” | grep -v “^action” | grep -v “^rails$” | xargs […]
Tags: rails, Ruby on Rails, Rubygems
Posted in Ruby on Rails, Web Development | Comments Off on Shorthand to clean up installed Rubygems (but don’t cleanup Rails)
Friday, November 7th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
If you’re using Resource Controller for Ruby on Rails, you may want to look atthe plugin I just created. From the readme file: ResouceControllerRespondTo ========================== Extends ResourceController plugin for Rails to make it respond_to .xml and .json formats Based on code by Florent Piteau and Joe Fiorini… Jesper merely provided the glue and packed as […]
Tags: Code, plugin, rails
Posted in Code, Ruby on Rails | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, May 28th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Christian Dalager and I did an internal Capgemini SmartLunch presentation about REST interfaces in the public Danish sector. REST interface is great news for those in favor of easy-to-integrate, scalable SOA interfaces, and REST services is actually used more than SOAP, XMLRPC, etc. in companies offering multiple interfaces to their data (Amazon, Yahoo, Google, Ebay, […]
Tags: oiorest, Presentation, rest, smartlunch, Video
Posted in capgemini, Code, Events/seminars, Presentation, Ruby on Rails, smartlunch, Speaking | 3 Comments »
Thursday, April 24th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Capgemini officially adds Ruby to it’s service offerings

Posted in Prototyping, Ruby on Rails | 3 Comments »
Monday, March 31st, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
I thought I’d better post this before April Fools day tomorrow. My employer, Capgemini has accepted to sponsor the Copenhagen RubyFools conference from today and till Wendesday. The sponsorship involves that Capgemini will sponsor free beer for one hour at the Ruby Cave (social event) tomorrow evening. As far as i know, it starts at […]
Posted in Events/seminars, Ruby on Rails | 2 Comments »
Sunday, February 24th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
At a recent internal Capgemini tradeshow, we had the pleasure of using some great quotes that really benefit working the way I like the best: Small agile teams where we can show and tell — make working software and prototypes very fast in close collaboration with clients. Mads and I decided to add a few […]
Posted in Agile, Productivity, Prototyping, Ruby on Rails | 11 Comments »
Saturday, February 2nd, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
My colleague Mads and myself made an internal “sales show” for the way we use Ruby on Rails to deliver web projects that are fast, small, agile prototypes in close collaboration with clients. Here are a few photos from our internal Capgemini kickoff: The sign says “Test yourself: Project manager — can you handle it”. […]
Posted in Agile, Prototyping, Ruby on Rails | 2 Comments »
Sunday, January 13th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Just a quick note to tell that I released version 0.9 of the L10n-simplified plugin. It has been a year since last release, but I had nohurry since the last version already fit for Rails 2.0. One of the nice changes for this release is that you can now set your localized language in the […]
Posted in Ruby on Rails | 13 Comments »
Thursday, December 20th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Now is the time to revoke the install warning Rails 2.0, gem install, Windows => Mongrel Trouble I wrote about December 9th as Rails 2.0 was released. Rubygems 1.0 was released 10 hours ago and solves the Win32 problems mentioned in the previous post. So for now, back to: [code lang=”ruby”]> gem update –system > […]
Posted in Ruby on Rails | 6 Comments »
Sunday, December 9th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
UPDATE December 20th: Problems are history with new Rubygems 1.0 release. See: Rubygems: Rails 2.0, Mongrel, Windows, solved. UPDATE December 19th: Rails changeset 8438 fixes the Rails part of this bug but no release 2.0.3 available yet. Rubygems 1.0 is on the way. Wait for the 1.0 release that contains a bugfix. See my comment […]
Posted in Ruby on Rails | 17 Comments »
Wednesday, November 21st, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
A problem in a current Rails app just found a decent solution, as Danish letters like æøå did not show up decently. It turned out (surprise) that Outlook had a problem accepting UTF-8 charset. On the Meeting model in the Rails app I want to save to calendar in an Outlook compatible format. We solved […]
Posted in Code, Ruby on Rails | 5 Comments »
Friday, November 2nd, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Take a look at Khoi Vinhs brilliant article If It Looks Like a Cow, Swims Like a Dolphin and Quacks Like a Duck, It Must Be Enterprise Software: Enterprise software, it can hardly be debated, is pretty bad stuff. The high-dollar applications that businesses use to run their internal operations. […] If you work at […]
Posted in Ruby on Rails, Usability | 1 Comment »
Monday, September 17th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Live notes from RailsConf Europe 2007 testing tutorial by Chad Fowler and Marcel Molina.

Posted in Events/seminars, Railsconf, Ruby on Rails | Comments Off on RailsConf Live Notes: Testing Tutorial
Wednesday, August 8th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
E-texteditor just got out of beta. I have actively contributed with improvement suggestions and error reports, as this editor has all needed features for rapid web devlopment, and has potential to become even better. I suggest you check out the inspiring screencast and perhaps buy a trial if you like it. More info: E-Texteditor website: […]
Posted in Code, Productivity, Ruby on Rails, Software | 5 Comments »
Friday, June 8th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Woohoo. I got a response from O’Reilly that my talk for RailsConf in Berlin is accepted. I will be presenting with my colleague Mads Buus, who’s also active in our Copenhagen Ruby user group. Here is the talk proposal: Title: Screenscraping as a tool for changing the (legacy) world Conference: RailsConf Europe 2007 Type/Duration: 45 […]
Posted in Events/seminars, Prototyping, Railsconf, Ruby on Rails, Speaking | 2 Comments »
Friday, May 11th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Today I’ve removed password protection on the article “Prototyping Ruby on Rails Checklist to Get Started“. Sorry to have you waiting. There are two main reasons why I have kept it private: I wanted to check that the description worked well for me. And today I got my new laptop. It surprised me that a […]
Posted in Prototyping, Ruby on Rails, WordPress | 2 Comments »
Saturday, May 5th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
We’re in the middle of Ruby on Rails Patch Day in the Copenhagen.rb (the copenhagen ruby society). Ruby on Rails is used by Capgemini for rapid prototyping of web applications, so it was natural for my manager to sponsor food for the all-night event. The food is irregular for a hack-day of this style: No […]
Posted in Ruby on Rails | 1 Comment »
Saturday, April 28th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
I have been looking a fast, intuitive editor for my Windows laptop. Now I stopped looking. E-texteditor for windows is very intuitive and easy to use. I highly recommend watching the screencast (a short tour of some of the best features). Although it’s still in beta, it seems so much better than the alternatives. I’m […]
Posted in Code, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Productivity, Ruby on Rails, Software | 7 Comments »
Tuesday, April 24th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Update May 10: this article is no longer password protected. Explanation why. Here is a brief reminder to myself before starting up a prototyping session. Some of the activities below are done only once on the current machine, some of them you must do with every project. I just wanted to have it all on […]
Posted in Prototyping, Ruby on Rails | 9 Comments »
Tuesday, February 13th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Thomas and I are interviewed in Danish newspaper “Børsen” today. The article is a 10,000 feet business overview on the productivity gains and possibilities with Ruby on Rails. I really like the picture (by Reimar Juul) and the fact that the article mentions both and Copenhagen Ruby Brigade. Woot! Click image to view larger […]
Posted in Businesscase,, Ruby on Rails, Web Development | 4 Comments »
Wednesday, January 17th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
… and other members of the Copenhagen Ruby Brigade. We just received the transcript that I ordered and I have made it available here on in the different formats: HTML Transcript Ruby on Rails podcast 041 (HTML version 28KB) (recommended) Transcript Ruby on Rails podcast 041 (Text version 17KB) Transcript Ruby on Rails podcast […]
Posted in, Podcast, Prototyping, Ruby on Rails | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, December 26th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Earlier I wrote how we use Ruby on Rails as rapid prototyping tool at work. Hobo is a promising plugin for Ruby on Rails to speed up development even more. At work, we’ve been looking into rapid prototyping of web applications for quite some time. Hobo might even help us to speed up development even […]
Posted in Prototyping, Ruby on Rails, Web Development | 1 Comment »
Monday, September 11th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
We are heading to London Wednesday to attend RailsConf (described earlier). I’m really looking forward to the exciting presentations. I’m glad we’re two Capgemini employees going, because many of the parallel sessions in the schedule look interesting. We’d like to get in touch with any Justaddwater readers attending the conference. Also nice to see several […]
Posted in Events/seminars, Ruby on Rails | Comments Off on See you at RailsConf, Europe this Thursday
Thursday, August 24th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Recently I’ve been working on a plugin for Ruby on Rails that help me out when creating new Rails applications in Danish. Previously, when we’ve created Danish prototypes for our customers all the default Rails error messages were still written in English.
I generalized it for use with any language, and currently (with the help from contributors) it’s now available for download on rubyforge.
Posted in Best of Justaddwater, Code, Ruby on Rails | 26 Comments »
Monday, June 26th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Thomas and I are really looking forward to this week’s Copenhagen Rails Meetup. Remember to join us
- if you’re in Copenhagen this thursday
- if you’re working with Ruby on Rails professionally or in your spare time
- if you like free beer
Posted in Code, Events/seminars, Ruby on Rails | 6 Comments »
Saturday, June 10th, 2006 by Thomas Watson Steen
We can now finally reveal the venue for the Ruby on Rails meetup in Copenhagen: After a bid of research we have found the very central Café Selina in the central Copenhagen (just next to The Rock and “Gammel Torv”). To sign up for the meetup and for detailed address info, see our original meetup […]
Posted in Code,, Ruby on Rails | Comments Off on Ruby on Rails Copenhagen Meetup: Venue
Thursday, June 1st, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Today is the time for my ten minute presentation at Reboot. I have ten minutes between 16.45 and 17.30 to give my talk. Topic: Prototype driven development with Ruby on Rails, and demo of the application we made at Capgemini with the Danish public Agency of Companies and Commerce. Presentation (Powerpoint format) for download here: […]
Tags: Presentation, Productivity, Prototyping, rails, Speaking
Posted in Best of Justaddwater, Events/seminars, Presentation, Railsconf, Ruby on Rails, Speaking | 11 Comments »
Wednesday, May 31st, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
We’re arranging a meetup for Ruby on Rails geeks in the Copenhagen area. Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 20.30
Posted in Best of Justaddwater, Code, Ruby on Rails | 38 Comments »
Monday, May 22nd, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Thomas and I are attending RailsConf Europe in London, September 14-15 later this year. From the RailsConf website: The conference is already packed with exciting speakers, including the creator of Rails, David Heinemeier Hansson, Pragmatic Programmer Dave Thomas, best-selling author and passion maven Kathy Sierra, Rails core developers Jamis Buck, Marcel Molina, Jr., Thomas Fuchs, […]
Posted in Events/seminars, Prototyping, Ruby on Rails | 2 Comments »
Friday, May 19th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
You might wonder what a code example is doing here in a blog about usability and web standards. As you might know, Thomas and I are both web developers, and we’re really obsessed about making usable web applications. What better way than to share code for things that make web apps more usable. Thomas has […]
Posted in Code, Ruby on Rails, Usability | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, May 16th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Thought this would be a good opportunity to have a look at the business perspective of using Ruby on Rails for the enterprise. The Business Case for Ruby on Rails inspired me to see what has been written on the business perspective since December last year.
Also a greeting from my blogging partner Thomas Watson, currently at JavaOne in San Fransisco, took this photo near the Golden Gate Bridge:
Posted in Businesscase, Ruby on Rails | 2 Comments »
Thursday, May 11th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be giving a brief talk at reboot8.0 about Rails and rapid prototyping. This is in Copenhagen, Denmark on June 1 or 2. Thomas Madsen-Mygdal (of reboot) looked for short demos of web applications, which is what I’ll do: reboot is this year gonna be showcasing 15-20 5 minute demos. […]
Posted in Prototyping, Ruby on Rails, Speaking | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, May 10th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
For those of you in Denmark in the Copenhagen area. May 19 I’m speaking about rapid prototyping to make usability testing earlier and more often. The focus will be on the benefits and the business value user testing creates early in the process, so at this event, there’s really no focus on Ruby on Rails […]
Posted in Businesscase, Prototyping, Ruby on Rails, Speaking, Usability | 2 Comments »
Saturday, April 22nd, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
I recieved some mails and comments on my recent article: Ruby on Rails as rapid prototyping tool
Posted in, Ruby on Rails | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, April 12th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
Ruby on Rails might be the perfect match as a prototyping tool. It delivers consistent productivity gains compared to any other prototyping tool. Very few lines of code makes it easy to change. Here is why we use it at work as our preferred prototyping tool.
Posted in Best of Justaddwater, Businesscase, Code, Prototyping, Ruby on Rails | 26 Comments »