Free Beer for RubyFools Attendees

I thought I’d better post this before April Fools day tomorrow. My employer, Capgemini has accepted to sponsor the Copenhagen RubyFools conference from today and till Wendesday.


The sponsorship involves that Capgemini will sponsor free beer for one hour at the Ruby Cave (social event) tomorrow evening. As far as i know, it starts at 7’o clock. So be there and be thirsty. The more free beer you drink, the better return on investment for Capgemini :)

This slogan may be fit for the occasion “Together. Free your energies”:

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2 Responses to “Free Beer for RubyFools Attendees”

  1. Jesper Hvirring Says:

    You just saved an otherwise lousy day for me! See you at the cave!

  2. Ron T Says:

    hey there Regarding:”The sponsorship involves that Capgemini will sponsor free beer for one hour at the Ruby Cave (social event) tomorrow evening.”
    What an awseome promotion i would love to attend something like that have they run anymore since?