Ruby on Rails Checklist Now Public Available

Today I’ve removed password protection on the article “Prototyping Ruby on Rails Checklist to Get Started“.

Sorry to have you waiting. There are two main reasons why I have kept it private:

  1. I wanted to check that the description worked well for me. And today I got my new laptop.
  2. It surprised me that a password protected article shows up on the front-page, RSS feeds, etc.

As I found out the original file was published, I felt that I could not remove it even though I was not ready to publish entirely.

WordPress flaw or feature?

I think its hard to imagine that WordPress publish password protected articles on purpose (even though it’s only the headline).

If this really is a feature, I would prefer another feature: To be able to publish a “stealth” article, password protected that should not show up on the frontpage or in RSS feeds. Is this feature already available? If so, there is some bad usability involved preventing me from using the password protection as I wanted to :)

Now, the article  “Prototyping Ruby on Rails Checklist to Get Started

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2 Responses to “Ruby on Rails Checklist Now Public Available”

  1. JanneL Says:

    Well, at least you can save your posts as “drafts” without publishing them.

  2. Chris Says:

    It’s a feature I think. It’s needed to present distinct password-fields for each protected post.
    Another way to completely hide your posts is to set a post-date in the future. But be careful, since it will appear as the date is reached.