Archive for January, 2008

Interaction Design: Send To a Friend

Monday, January 21st, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

For a work project I had to make a “send email to a friend”, and looked for inspiration the following places. I’m not commenting it here, these are just the raw examples I found. If you like feel free to comment on what you like or don’t like, and please add links to research that […]

Sharepoint 2007, Accessibility, and Impossible UI Customization

Sunday, January 20th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Emil Stenström’s recent “Sharepoint 2007 from an interface developer’s view” is definitely worth reading if you care about webstandards, accessibility and decent frontend code in general. Here are some of the quotes that really stand out in an excellent article that i really recommend you read before picking your web development platform. One major problem […]

Bad Usability Calendar 2008

Thursday, January 17th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

My Norwegian friend Eidar just wrote to inform me that their company (Netlife Research) has finally released Bad Usability Calendar 2008. Last year, the calendar got quite popular and even Jakob Nielsen mentioned it in one of his newsletters. This year, I’m more than ever looking forward to use it. The calendar has — as […]

Rails Localization Plugin Release Version 0.9

Sunday, January 13th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Just a quick note to tell that I released version 0.9 of the L10n-simplified plugin. It has been a year since last release, but I had nohurry since the last version already fit for Rails 2.0. One of the nice changes for this release is that you can now set your localized language in the […]

Dilemma — Updated Numbers or Long Response Times

Friday, January 11th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Paypal showed me this splash screen when logging in: I think this is a useful design pattern that can be valuable to most of our clients dealing with time-sensitive data. It is time-consuming for an application to check if there are new payments on every request. This check is better off being uncoupled from the […]

Lean Software Development Video Mary Poppendieck

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Here are some great examples i jotted down when watching Mary Poppendieck’s presentation at Google: “Competing on the basis of speed“. See my notes below. Complexity kills speed: Windows 95 took 350 developers, Vista took 3500 developers Make sure your project anticipates change: 60-80% of all software is developed after first release to production Defer […]

Make WordPress Editor Less Evil

Sunday, January 6th, 2008 by Thomas Watson Steen

This Friday, Jesper and I had a chat about things we don’t like about the current WordPress WYSIWYG editor. In particular when trying to write code examples in our posts: Jesper: One change I really would appreciate in the next WordPress would be the ability to shift wysiwyg/code editor directly on the edit page (Now […]

Usability of Pagination Links

Thursday, January 3rd, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

In case you missed the thorough pagination gallery that was published in November: Pagination Gallery: Examples And Good Practices There are really some good (and bad) examples collected at the page, including these written “best practices”: Provide large clickable areas Don’t use underlines Identify the current page Space out page links Provide Previous and Next […]

Make Logo Bigger Cream

Thursday, January 3rd, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Via Francois, I saw this funny video TV-Shop style: Make my logo bigger. Technorati Tags: humour, logo, humor, webdesign

Speed House Building Video, Teamwork and Collaboration

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

You may know this video, where American construction workers compete to build a house as fast as possible. Colleagues of mine showed this video at a 50-60 people workshop for inspiration to teamwork and collaboration. I was really amazed when I first saw this video. It seems chaotic but is of course well prepared down […]

Avoid Innovation (The Word) — Use Better Words Instead

Tuesday, January 1st, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Scott Berkun brilliantly notes that the word “innovation” has lost it’s meaning. Stop saying innovation – here’s why Use better words instead. Often people mean one of 1) we want new ideas 2) we want better ideas, 3) we want big changes 4) we need to place big bets on new ideas. Great. Any of […]

Textmate Snippet: Convert HTML entities for viewing code

Tuesday, January 1st, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Happy New Year everybody. Here is a tiny Textmate or E-Texteditor Snippet: Convert HTML entities for viewing code. I created this recently for a HTML cookbook on a project, where we made HTML pages showing HTML example code. It converts & to &amp; < to &lt; > to &gt; That’s it. Basically, I made a […]