Archive for March, 2008

Free Beer for RubyFools Attendees

Monday, March 31st, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

I thought I’d better post this before April Fools day tomorrow. My employer, Capgemini has accepted to sponsor the Copenhagen RubyFools conference from today and till Wendesday. The sponsorship involves that Capgemini will sponsor free beer for one hour at the Ruby Cave (social event) tomorrow evening. As far as i know, it starts at […]

Scrum vs CMMI Level 5

Sunday, March 30th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

A final quote from Jeff Sutherlands presentation: Agile and Scrum Tuning I wrote about recently. The question is if there is anything else that can bring an organization to the same level of performance as Scrum. Right now I’m working with a CMM level 5 organisation. It took them seven years to get to level […]

Scrum Presentation Edit

Thursday, March 27th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Jakob Scmidt Sørensen made an edited boiled down of his Internal Capgemini Scrum Presentation. Thanks Jakob! The entire 38 minutes presentation is in Danish As a side note, we had quite some traffic from the Danish blog “Version 2” where Rasmus Knippel (an ex capgemini colleague) wrote about the video. Rasmus found it quite unique […]

Where to find a giant, affordable touch screen?

Friday, March 14th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Time for a Lazyweb request. Mads, a colleague of mine did a fast prototype of a new application that we probably want to use as a tool in our agile projects. We’ll do a fast, digital version of a Scrum board (see image below) For the digital version, we’d like to project the scrum board […]

The Design of Internal Enterprise Applications

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

I really fell in spontaneous love with this drawing, that shows the relation between the simplest and the most complex of all known products and websites. Apple and Google representing the first. Internal Enterpricey applications representing the latter. Thanks a lot Eric Burke for that fantastic visualisation! A great quote that fits for this situation: […]

Internal Capgemini Scrum Presentation

Saturday, March 8th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

If you understand Danish, then this internal presentation might be something for you. Capgemini Denmark lunchbag session explaining “What is Scrum”, “how to Scrum”, “Why Scrum”, recorded Friday March 7th. Presenter is my colleague Jakob Schmidt Sørensen, Capgemini Denmark. He asked me to help him out keep track of time and draw the burndown chart […]

Scrum vs Outsourcing

Friday, March 7th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

More from Jeff Sutherland (the video presentation i posted about yesterday). This time on outsourcing (sending to India) vs implementing Scrum locally. Scrum Tuning: Lessons learned from Scrum implementation at Google (example starts around 42 minutes into the presentation) Outsource $2million development Outsourcing costs $1.6M (industry data show 20% cost savings on average) Alternative: Introduce […]

Video: Agile and Scrum Tuning by Jeff Sutherland

Thursday, March 6th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Scrum video presentation from Jeff Sutherland (speech from December 2006 but highly relevant). The presentation is really packet with great quotes and inspiration. I wonder if I ever will be motivated to work in traditional big waterfall projects again… Scrum Tuning: Lessons learned from Scrum implementation at Google Working software is really the only measure […]