Archive for August, 2006

IE 7, web standards and CSS support

Monday, August 28th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

The Internet Explorer team is preparing to ship the next major version of the world’s most popular browser. The IE team has written an update on which CSS bugfixes that will make it into the final release. Update of existing CSS on websites Before we get to that rather long list, I feel it’s important […]

Ruby on Rails plugin: Localize your Rails app

Thursday, August 24th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

screenshot-localization-simplified-sweedish-chef.pngRecently I’ve been working on a plugin for Ruby on Rails that help me out when creating new Rails applications in Danish. Previously, when we’ve created Danish prototypes for our customers all the default Rails error messages were still written in English.

I generalized it for use with any language, and currently (with the help from contributors) it’s now available for download on rubyforge.

Design for Browser Size — Not Screen Size

Thursday, August 17th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Jakob Nielsen discusses screen resolution and page layout in a recent Alertbox article. As usual, Jakob offers some decent facts and clear guidelines on which screen resolution to design for.

I have the deepest respect for Jakob Nielsen and the work he does to make usability easier to understand and use for everybody. There is just one problem: Findings should focus on browser window size and not screen size.

Time to revise our blog purpose

Monday, August 14th, 2006 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Today, ten months ago, Thomas and I started Our purpose then was to share our thoughts about usability and web standards. It’s time to review our profile after ten months with 135 posts, 420 comments (not to mention 10,000 spam comments) and over 500 links from 250 websites (according to Technorati). Here is our […]

Blog Usability: Irregular Publishing Frequency

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006 by Thomas Watson Steen

According to Jakob Nielsen’s top ten design mistakes on weblogs the 7th worst thing is irregular publishing frequency. So with no further ado I would just like to thank you guys for keep reading our blog while Jesper and I have been on vacation (Jesper still is by the way). I’ve been totally disconnected for […]