Archive for May, 2008

Spam Comment One Million

Thursday, May 29th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

We just passed spam comment number 1,000,000 today. It has been only 16 months since we passed 100,000 and six months since spam comment number 500,000. Amazing amount of network traffic and computer power is wasted on spam. Technorati Tags: akismet, spam, comments, justaddwater, blogging

Public Danish Data REST Interface

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Christian Dalager and I did an internal Capgemini SmartLunch presentation about REST interfaces in the public Danish sector. REST interface is great news for those in favor of easy-to-integrate, scalable SOA interfaces, and REST services is actually used more than SOAP, XMLRPC, etc. in companies offering multiple interfaces to their data (Amazon, Yahoo, Google, Ebay, […]

JQuery Rounded Corners (Technorati Style)

Monday, May 26th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

If you ever use rounded corners the Technorati way, here is some additional code I created recently. Usually I add four non-semantic elements to each corner of a div box to round: HTML for the box: [code lang=”html”] .. .. .. [/code] Well, what if you could just write: [code lang=”html”] … [/code] So that […]

Invited to Expert Workshop: Future of Internet

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

This Friday I’m invited to attend a workshop on the future of Internet (usage) hosted by Innovation Lab — a Danish company that has a lot of experience in searching and analyzing future trends. Skilled people from Wemind and Creuna will also attend. Although it’s a so-called expert workshop, I definitely don’t consider myself as […]

Webdesign Tutorial by Rap Video

Thursday, May 8th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Learning web design by a hiphop video is really neat. Four years ago we had the usability rap (along with the excellent gangsta-style cartoons from the OK/Cancel guys): (the mp3 file with the actual rap seems to have disappeared… could anybody point me to a working link?) Now there is this even cooler rap. Web […]

Internal or External Company Blog?

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Roughly 2 years ago we started an international User Experience network in Capgemini. And everybody aggreed that we should have a blog. After a short period of time, the blog became stale and I have not visited it since then. A colleague of mine wrote me today and that reminded me of that old, stale […]