Archive for January, 2007

Why AJAX Failed (Then Succeeded)

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

E-Week has notes from “Google’s Bosworth” (which must be Adam Bosworth, formerly employed at Microsoft and working on the IE4 team). Below some notable quotes on AJAX. I really like his style a lot. Also, I can recommend his talk from 2005 on high performance systems (via IT conversations), where he mentions that one Google […]

Handy JavaScript Cookie Editor

Monday, January 29th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

2 years ago I wrote a small javascript to view, edit and delete cookies. The really cool thing about this user interface is the inline editing of cookie names and values. I really like the principle that you hover the value that you inspect, can see that it’s editable. Then click directly and the text […]

Bad Usability Calendar 2007 Finally Ready

Saturday, January 27th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

I’ve been waiting for this with excitement: Eidar and the rest of NetLife Research in Norway have finally released the 2007 version of Bad Usability Calendar. Direct download: Bad Usability Calendar 2007 (1.2 MB PDF) Very nice to see that the calendar actually is released under a Creative Commons license, so you can translate it […]

I’ve started my own company

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007 by Thomas Watson Steen

As long as Jesper and I have written this blog we have both been working for Capgemini in Denmark. Personally I’ve been here for over two and a half years now – some very good years! It has actually been some of my most interesting and educational years ever. So it is with great sadness […]

Microsoft’s Commitment to Web Standards

Friday, January 19th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Molly interviewed Bill Gates on Microsoft’s commitment to web standards. Today, Roger added his comments in his article: Bill Gates on Web standards: Huh?. In a brief discussion about web standards, Bill seems to interpret web standards as ws*, xml, etc. He does not really mention html, xhtml, css or similar approaches, which is why […]

Ruby on Rails Podcast Featuring Yours Truly

Wednesday, January 17th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

… and other members of the Copenhagen Ruby Brigade. We just received the transcript that I ordered and I have made it available here on in the different formats: HTML Transcript Ruby on Rails podcast 041 (HTML version 28KB) (recommended) Transcript Ruby on Rails podcast 041 (Text version 17KB) Transcript Ruby on Rails podcast […]

Best Brainstorming Tool: Instant Messaging

Monday, January 8th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

Instant messaging tools like messenger, google talk or similar are apparently better tools for brainstorming than for instance email or wikis. According to a paper in the latest edition of the journal Computer Standards & Interfaces, the answer is yes. It seems that teams that collaborate using a instant messageing [sic] software like MSN messenger […]

More visual HTML jokes

Friday, January 5th, 2007 by Jesper Rønn-Jensen

More visual HTML tags inspired by Neatorama’s “Visual HTML joke” that got digged recently.

female body for html body tagsubmarine for html sub tag