Happy 2nd birthday

Justaddwater 2nd BirthdayToday is a great day. At least if you ask Jesper and my self. I just got a call from Jesper who was out shopping with his family, wishing me a happy birthday. Today it’s exactly two years ago that we postet our first post on Justaddwater.dk and we are still going strong.

We would like to thank all our readers who keep coming to our site over and over again. By reading and commenting on our posts you guys show us great support. It is because of you that we love doing this.

So what happend since our last birthday? Well we have one thing that we thought we might share with you:

If you want to attract a lot of visitors to your blog, write about something funny. Of our top 5 posts for the last year, one of them was titled “Funny Signs” and the other “More Visual HTML Jokes“. And lets just remember that the “Funny Signs” post was actually not posted within the last year. It’s from May 2006 and still bringing in many visitors each month. This of cause might have something to do with the fact that if you perform an image search for funny signs on Google we are in the top 5. It’s a strange world.


12 months ago we started to use FeedBurner to manage our feeds. Within that year it has been so exiting to watch our reader stats grow and grow. A couple of weeks ago we pased the magical 1000 feed readers per day:

Justaddwater FeedBurner reader stats for 2006-2007

Put on top of that an average of 400 visitors per day coming to our site from other sources (referrels, web searches etc.) and lets just say that Jesper and I are quite proud to say the least.

Top posts

  1. Funny Signs
  2. Design for Browser Size — Not Screen Size
  3. More visual HTML jokes
  4. How to indicate required or optional form fields
  5. Live search explained
  6. Bad Usability Calendar
  7. Ruby on Rails as rapid prototyping tool
  8. Lenovo Problem: No Wireless Reconnect After Standby
  9. The IE PNG fix vs. Accessibility
  10. Replacement for Standard Windows Console

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3 Responses to “Happy 2nd birthday”

  1. Jens Meiert Says:

    Congratulations, guys, and just keep it up …!

  2. Thomas Baekdal Says:

    Nice going guys and congrats! :)

  3. filecomment » Blog Archiv » Happy 2nd birthday Says:

    […] here to read Der Beitrag wurde am Sunday, den 14. October 2007 um 08:04 Uhr veröffentlicht und […]