Justaddwater.dk November 2005 Statistics

We have been online with our Blog for little over a month now. This means that for the first time we now have a full month worth of log files. Since we love sharing we of cause also want to let you know the status of our statistics. Besides the server log files, we are trying out Google’s new Analytics service, but this was not added to the site until the 14th of November, so we only got about two weeks worth of data from that. Anyway to the point…


RSS and Atom feeds are actually providing us with the most hits. But this should of cause be taken lightly since one RSS/Atom hit not necessarily equals one reader. On-top of that I would imagine that news aggregators checks for updates every x minutes – even if there is none – so that adds to the total as well.

It would be interesting if there where some kind of way to find out how many people actually was coming to our site because of a news feed.

We span the globe

It is funny to watch where our visitors come from. When we started the blog only our friends in Denmark read it. But after a month of writing the global picture is a bit more diverse:

Geographical reader location, November 2005 - justaddwater.dk
Geographical reader location, November 2005 – Source: Google Analytics

Misc. graphs

Here is just a small collection of the graphs we can pull from Google Analytics. As with the graph above these does not cover the two first weeks of November, but only the 14th to the 30th:

Visits and Pageviews, November 2005 - justaddwater.dk
Visits and Pageviews, November 2005 – Source: Google Analytics

Vistis by New and Returning, November 2005 - justaddwater.dk
Visits by New and Returning, November 2005 – Source: Google Analytics

Visits by Source, November 2005 - justaddwater.dk
Visits by Source, November 2005 – Source: Google Analytics

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6 Responses to “Justaddwater.dk November 2005 Statistics”

  1. Piotr Says:

    Now im getting curious…..

    What us the number of sessions and page views on the front page?
    What is the Median Visit time for the site?
    What is the avrage number og of page views pr. session?
    What is you drop out % on front page?
    What is the number of one-page visits on the front page?

    Dont answer if you dont feel like it :)

  2. Thomas Watson Steen Says:

    Our top entrance page is the front page with a total 196 entrances in this time period (14th -> 30th). Out of the 196 visits 93 bounced.

    I’m not sure what you mean with “Median Visit time for the site”, but 53% of our visiters stay only 10 seconds (max). The 2nd place goes to visiters that stay a bid longer: 181 to 600 sec. These account for about 12%.

    Our average pageviews per session is 3.058823529.

    Our drop out procentage on the front page is as mentioned above about 47.5%.

    What do you mean with “the number of one-page visits on the front page”?

  3. justaddwater.dk | Google Analytics trick: How to view referring URLs Says:

    […] While you’re waiting for the December statistics, here’s a link to the previous Justaddwater.dk November 2005 Statistics. […]

  4. justaddwater.dk | Justaddwater.dk December 2005 Statistics Says:

    […] We still get about a quarter of our hits from news feed readers (RSS, Atom, etc.). The issue with these kinds of hits is of cause still that we can’t really check if one feed hit equals one active reader. And as I wrote in the November 2005 statistics: On-top of that I would imagine that news aggregators checks for updates every x minutes – even if there is none – so that adds to the total as well. […]

  5. justaddwater.dk | One of four web users are disabled users Says:

    […] RSS feed readers have gained a tremendous popularity. Back in November, we discovered that most of our traffic came from feed readers. […]

  6. justaddwater.dk | Sharing data is the first step toward community Says:

    […] This is why we decided to use this blog to share data with you. Recently we’ve posted about our November and December 2005 visitor statistics. […]