Public Sector Usability Awards

Each year in Denmark the Danish government awards the best public sector website in different categories like for example cultural institutions, portals and the social/healthcare sector. The competition is called “Best på Nettet” and this year the focus has especially been on usability – but following web standards and accessibility also counts. Of cause understanding the language of the website you are visiting usually increases the usability quite a lot, so if you understand Danish and want to see this years results, then click here to see the 2005 winners and the jury’s notes.

If you don’t understand Danish, one of the winning sites also has an “In English” area but this of cause does not show of the site as a whole. The site is called “Digital Forvaltning” (or “Digital Administration” in English) and won the price for the best public sector portal.

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2 Responses to “Public Sector Usability Awards”

  1. Piotr Says:

  2. Piotr Says:

    Ups.. pressed enter by accident.

    I see the “Tema: Bruger…..” first, and the look down…

    And post that i dont realy know what to do.. mostly because the first thing i see dosnt explan to me what is expected of me what what kind of site this is.

    The site is actualy not that good. On the forntpage. There is WAY too much text. In the top you have 4 lines with way more than you tend to read the first time you enter a site. And if you need to read it the second time your there… well … then the site had failed already.
    For example… take a LIX numberof the top paragraph.. Look at what it saiz (if you not danish: The text, and the way its writen, you need to be a PHD, too much info on to litte room, and some of it is repeated)… god damn…

    Regarding focus, you look at the image to the left is what you see first. Its an add… its propably not the intention with the frontpage to sell adds. Besides… look at the target group. The ppl that work in the public sector should not be presented with an add crated for “normal ppl”…

    And now im looking away from the fact that you totaly overlook the menus in the top. The text is also too small …. i think its one of those things where the functionality is less important than design ..

    Besidses that.. the “Alle kategorier”(All categorys)… when i look at it.. what does that mean? If you can answer that question you either looked at the site before, or your a smarter man than me.
    There should either be one of 3 things:
    1: a little Question mark outside the box, intuitivly signaling: If your not sure, press here or mouseover the “?”
    2: Intuitive names or something like that
    3: Less focus, so the users that are new, dont look to much at it. The ones that are re-visiting will find it anyway…

    … i dont like it … It could be worse thou :)