Netbank Log Off When Navigating on Page

I just realized that the netbank I use logs me off when I request a page which the bank defined as “outside the netbank”.

In my case I was at the net bank page watching my account. I pressed “search” to search for how to find the IBAN/BIC/SWIFT code for international transfer of money.

This action was enough for the netbank software to get insulted, and it immediately slammed the door behind me and logged me off. (The screenshot says “Log on” in top left corner).


Nykredit are one of the big financial players in Denmark, and like the competitors, I know a lot of effort is put into making the websites more portal-like so the website appears to be one connected universe.

That’s why it puzzles me that I’m actually logged off??? I’m sure that there is room for improving the user experience here.

PS I never found the SWIFT code to use for my friend to send money for my account. The search engine finds only information about sending money the other way (from my account to a foreign recipient). Ironically, I actually found the answer searching my personal email. It turned out I had asked the website supporters the exact same question a couple of months ago, then forgot all about it.

Lesson learned: Users tend not to use corporate website searches because they usually don’t find what they are looking for. This example was no exception.

PPS I can’t help noticing that this page has horizontal scroll and lots of HTML errors and warnings. Both things should be completely unnessecary with today’s standards of webdevelopment.

PPPS. Full disclosure: I used to work for Nykredit 6 years ago. It was a cool place to be and there were lots of skilled colleagues there. A few of whom I am still in contact with. Back in 1999/2000 I did a usability test of the netbank, so I know usability is in focus in the company.

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5 Responses to “Netbank Log Off When Navigating on Page”

  1. Thomas Kragh Says:

    Hi Jesper

    Thanks for your comments – and I agree that the search-function can be improved, which is in the pipeline. And you are right – usability is of course very important for us

    By the way: congrats on a great blog. Very interesting and easy-to-read at the same time – not that often found !

    For our danish readers (and maybe some customers):
    Forklaring på hvorfor Jesper bliver logget af:
    Søgefunktionen på (som Jesper har brugt i eksemplet ovenfor) er ikke i samme sikkerhedsområde som netbanken (https). Derfor skal brugeren blive logget af (Der er i øvrigt indlagt et delay på nogle sekunder, hvis bruger fejlagtigt kommer til at surfe væk dvs. at logon fastholdes kortvarigt)
    Men der er en søgefunktion indenfor Netbanken/Mitnykredit som Jesper kan bruge. Det ligger under hjælpe-ikonet. Her kan der søges uden at blive logget af.
    En anden løsning for Jesper er, at se under Bankkonti, klikke på I-ikonet. Her står hans SWIFT og IBAN nr.

    Regards/Venlig hilsen Thomas Kragh, Internetchef Nykredit

  2. Mads Sørensen Says:

    @Thomas Kragh

    Kan I ikke bare gennemtvinge HTTPS på hele Nykredits website, så snart brugeren er logget på netbanken?

  3. Jon Cram Says:

    Out of interest, what extension/add-on for Firefox are you using such that a summary of HTML errors and warnings is displayed at the bottom-right of your browser?

    I use the web developer extension and this gives me similar functionality in the top right below the search input, but doesn’t specify the number of errors.

    And, of course, thanks once more for another insightful posting.

  4. Banker Says:

    Just beware of Phishing screen, which looks exactly same as your net banking login , rest are technical problems which could be solved anytime