Rubygems: Rails 2.0, Mongrel, Windows, solved
Now is the time to revoke the install warning Rails 2.0, gem install, Windows => Mongrel Trouble I wrote about December 9th as Rails 2.0 was released.
Rubygems 1.0 was released 10 hours ago and solves the Win32 problems mentioned in the previous post.
So for now, back to:
[code lang=”ruby”]> gem update –system
> gem update rails
> gem update mongrel[/code]
And everything works for me. Note that for now, there still is a problem with mongrel_service (will probably be fixed in next version). Luis Lavena describes a workaround in his updated article.
Related info:
- Rails 2.0, gem install, Windows => Mongrel Trouble
- Eric Hodel: RubyGems 1.0.0
- Luis Lavena:Latest RubyGems and Rails is a deadly combo
Technorati Tags: ruby, rails, mongrel, rubygems, copenhagenrb, rails2.0
December 20th, 2007 at 21:15 (GMT-1)
[…] UPDATE December 20th: Problems are history with new Rubygems 1.0 release. See: Rubygems: Rails 2.0, Mongrel, Windows, solved. […]
December 21st, 2007 at 22:23 (GMT-1)
I think you mean: gem update — system
regards, johan
December 21st, 2007 at 23:42 (GMT-1)
1.0.1 is out and fixes a few snags.
March 17th, 2008 at 04:03 (GMT-1)
Thanks for the info. Now someone just needs to write a windows fix for backgroundrb.
May 20th, 2008 at 11:26 (GMT-1)
Hi All,
I have heard lot about Ruby on Rails 2.0 and I want to get some information of it.
If any of you help me start learning it, would be great help to me.
I need to know installation guide on Windows XP and some free e books for Ruby on Rails 2.0
Thanking you
June 27th, 2008 at 11:26 (GMT-1)
Like the site,
I’ve written an article on creating your own RubyGems on a Windows PC.
I hope you find it useful: