Prototyping Talk in Danish IT Usability Network

Jesper and I were invited yesterday to speak for the Danish IT usability network (link in Danish) about prototyping and our experience with prototypes.

In short, the presentation touched

  • Prototyping, how and when to get up to speed
  • Cases from the public and financial sectors where we have been prototyping
  • Experience with different tools, such as Axure and Ruby on Rails
  • Lots of good questions from the audience

We were around 25 people in total, and both Jesper and I were impressed with the good and relevant questions that everybody had. Actually, it was a shame we were not able to stay for the afternoon group discussions about the different presentations.

I had a talk with Rolf Molich afterwards and he seemed quite impressed with one of the cases we presented. Two things seemed to have made a special impression: That it took only 20 hours before we could present a rich working Ruby on Rails prototype for the client. And the way we had added ability to find competences as well as users and their most important contact details in the same autocomplete field.

(sorry, but no screenshot here since they contained real data :)

Here are the links Jesper promised to post with comparison of different prototyping tools. I also added a link to a more detailed look on Ruby on Rails as a prototyping tool (published by Jesper here on

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4 Responses to “Prototyping Talk in Danish IT Usability Network”

  1. Jesper Rønn-Jensen Says:

    Just for the record, I better add that Rolf said, that he was impressed with the way we used the autocomplete field, there were some other minor details he did not agree upon.

    However, he didn’t go into detail with that :)

  2. Thomas Baekdal Says:

    Interesting. You guys should write an article about your approach (since we cannot see the screenshots :o))

  3. Roger Jack Says:

    We sell a tool, Lucid Spec, that is a competitor to Axure:

    It is useful for prototyping and documenting user interfaces.