Web 2.0 video: Complete Transcript

With the help and encouragement of Claude Almansi, I have now transcribed the web 2.0 video “We are the web” (my notes from yesterday). Full text transcript available right here below.

Also, Claude is working hard making a transcribed video available on Mojiti. See the work (in progress) here below:

Complete transcript below

Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us

[time codes in square brackets]
Text is linear
Text is unilinear
Text is often said to be unilinear

Text is unilinear
when written on paper

Digital text is is different
Digital text is is more flexible
Digital text is is moveable
Digital text is is above all … hyper.

Digital hypertext is above all ….
hypertext is above all ….

hypertext can link
or here …

virtually anywhere
anywhere virtually
anywhere virtual

Take me Back

Oct 17, 1996

View source

Most early websites were written in HTML

HTML was designed to define the structure of a web document

<p> is a structural element referring to “paragraph”

<LI> is also a structural element referring to “List Item”

As HTML expanded, more elements were added.

Including sylistic elements like <b> for bold and <i> for italics

Such elements definded how content would be formatted.

In other words, form and content became inseparable in HTML

Digital Text can do better.

Form and content can be separated.


View source

XML was designed to do just that.

<title> does not define the form. It defines the content.

Same with <link>

and <description>

and virtually all other elements in this document.

They describe the content, not the form.

So the data can be exported,

free of formatting constraints.


With form seperated from content, users did not need to know complicated code to upload content to the web
(I’m feeling Lucky)

Create a blog
Blog title: Beyond etext
URL: beyondetext.blogspot.com

Hello World!
Posted by Professor Wesch at 8:14

There’s a blog born every half second

and it’s not just text …


Anthropology Club
Created by you

XML facilitates automated data exchange
two sites can “mash” data together

flickr maps

Who will organize all of this data?

We will.
You will.

XML + U & Me create a database-backed web
a database-backed web is different
the web is different

the web
we are the web (I’m Feeling Lucky)

We are the web

When we post and then tag pictures

we are teaching the Machine

Each time we forge a link
we teach it an idea.

Think of the 100 billion times per day humans click on a web page

teaching the Machine

the Machine

The machine is us

Digital text is no longer just linking information …
Hypertext is no longer just linking information …

The Web is no longer just linking information …

The Web is linking people …

Web 2.0 is linking people …

… people sharing, trading, and collaborating…

Web 2.0

Edit this page…

You can edit this page

We’ll need to rethink a few things …
We’ll need to rethink copyright
We’ll need to rethink authorship
We’ll need to rethink identity
We’ll need to rethink ethics
We’ll need to rethink aesthetics
We’ll need to rethink rhetorics
We’ll need to rethink governance
We’ll need to rethink privacy
We’ll need to rethink commerce
We’ll need to rethink love
We’ll need to rethink family
We’ll need to rethink ourselves.

Michael Wesch
Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology
Kansas State University

Music by D E U S
There’s Nothing impossible

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17 Responses to “Web 2.0 video: Complete Transcript”

  1. Claude Almansi Says:

    That was fun, wasn’t it, Jasper? And in a way it’s what Web 2:0 is about too: you asked about the transcript in Web 2.0 Video: Just Text or Rethink Our Future?, I chanced upon your post through technorati Mojiti tags, suggested a collaborative transcription if none was available, you started it with Google docs and invited me…

    Re the captioning of the video, though: I started doing it because this way I got the time codes straight (my memory for numbers inversely proportional to my memory for words). Maybe I’ll continue, but not tonight: I already did Italian “subtitles” the same way this afternoon, and if I hear a single other bar of Deus’ music I think I’ll run howling down the street, which tends to be frowned upon in prim Switzerland :-D

    Thank you!


  2. Claude Almansi Says:

    PS: I have “unlocked” http://mojiti.com/kan/2024/3443, so now anyone can use our transcript to paste it in the “comments” bit by bit.

  3. Jesper Rønn-Jensen Says:

    Thank you for a good an collaborative process around transcribing.
    I’m a firm believer that collaboration makes you faster and more focused, and I think this was a perfect example of this.

    Teaming up and transcribing was fun, and for me a learning process, where I had the chance to get to know the material better.

  4. ludita.net » Archivo del weblog » web is linking people Says:

    […] actualización: se han currado una transcripción en just add water […]

  5. Jonathan O'Donnell Says:

    I think that “unlinear” should be “unilinear” thoughout. Perhaps you might want to contact Professor Wesch to check.

    I’m sure that he would be interested in this. It adds to the accessibility of the video immeasurably.


  6. Jesper Rønn-Jensen Says:

    >I think that “unlinear” should be “unilinear” thoughout.

    Thanks for noticing. When looking closer, you’re absolutely right it says “unilinear”. I edited the transcript above with the precision.

    >I’m sure that he [Michael Wesch] would be interested in this.
    > It adds to the accessibility of the video immeasurably.

    I already sent him a mail, but have not heard from him so far :)

  7. Mike Wesch Says:

    Looks great! Thanks for doing this. It really does capture the spirit the video itself is trying to express.

  8. Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » The Machine is Us/ing Us Transcription Says:

    […] Another transcript by Jesper Rønn-Jensen […]

  9. Kathleen Says:

    I am posting here to let you know that a group of us in the USA have read and followed this blog with great interest the past couple of days. We were interested in the collaboration between you and Claude in reaction to the Machine isUs/ing Us video originally posted by Mike Wesch.

    We are teacher educators some who work for Apple and others who work for the California Department of Education. In our workshops we teach how to use Google tools in K-12 education – all sorts of ways to use Web 2.0 applications in teaching and learning. We want to share your story so that teachers begin to understand the impact the digital collaboration can have. It knows no boundaries, nor borders, or even language.

    I’m so glad you put in the time to post your collaboration online so that we can learn and show others.

  10. SC Spaeth Says:

    I agree with Kathleen that this description of the process helps people understand the power of distributed collaboration. I work with schools in Maine and will use it as an example here, too.
    Kathleen, your post adds to the collaboration in the sense that it helps people understand the need and strategies for dissemination. I hope that you or one of your collaborators will return to this space and share one or more of your links so that we can see those facets of the larger collaboration.
    Here is one of mine that you might find interesting:

  11. centrestage » The Machine is Us/ing Us Says:

    […] Update: – Das Transkript dieses Web 2.0-Videos – Eine Video-Version mit Kommentaren aus der Mojiti-Community – Download einer höherauflösenden Version von “The Machine is Us/ind Us” Technorati Tags: Michael Wesch, Web 2.0 […]

  12. gabriela ortizmichel Says:

    I have a spanish version transcript (my spanish, mexican) from Jespers transcript.

    Can someone do the Mojiti (or wherever) thing to make subtitles?

    Here it goes (have it in a file if you email me zapotepetl at yahoo punto com)

    Web 2.0 … La máquina somos nosotros /
    Web 2.0 … La máquina nos está usando
    can’t get the words.game in spanish

    El texto es texto linear
    El texto es unilinear
    Se dice a menudo que el texto es unilinear
    El texto es unilinear
    cuando está escrito en papel
    El texto digital es es diferente
    El texto digital es es más flexible
    El texto digital digital es es movible
    El texto digital es es sobretodo… hiper
    El hipertexto digital es sobretodo….
    hipertexto es sobretodo….
    hipertexto puede ligarse
    o aquí…
    virtualmente dondequiera
    dondequiera virtualmente
    dondequiera virtual
    octubre 17, 1996
    Ver código fuente
    La mayoría de los primeros sitios web fueron escritos en HTML
    El HTML fue diseñado para definir la estructura de un documento web
    es un elemento estructural que se refiere a “párrafo”

    [ 1:00 ]
    es también un elemento estructural que se refiere a “elemento de lista”
    Conforme el HTML se expandió, más elementos fueron agregados
    Incluyendo elementos de estilo como <b> para negrillas e <i> para itálicas
    Tales elementos definen el formato del contenido
    Es decir, la forma y el contenido llegaron a ser inseparables en HTML
    El texto digital puede ir más allá
    La forma y el contenido pueden ser separados.
    Ver código fuente
    El XML fue diseñado para hacer justo eso
    no define la forma. Define el contenido.
    Lo mismo hace
    y virtualmente todos los otros elementos en este documento.
    Describen el contenido, no la forma.
    Así los datos se pueden exportar,
    Libres de los límites del formato.

    [ 2:00 ]
    Con la forma separada del contenido, los usuarios no necesitan saber código complicado para subir contenido a la web
    Crear una blog
    Título de la blog: Más allá del e-texto
    URL: másalládeletexto.blgospot.com
    ¡Hola Mundo!
    Publicado por Profesor Wesch a las 8:14
    Cada medio segundo nace una blog
    y no es solo texto …
    El Club de Antropología
    Creado por ti
    XML facilita el intercambio automatizado de datos
    dos sitios pueden “fundir” datos juntos
    mapas de flickr
    ¿Quién organizará todos estos datos?
    Nosotros lo haremos.
    Tú lo harás.

    [3:00 ]
    XML + Tú y yo creamos una web sostenida en bases de datos
    Una web sostenida en bases de datos es diferente
    la web es diferente
    la web
    Nosotros somos la web
    Nosotros somos la web
    cuando publicamos y etiquetamos imágenes
    Estamos enseñando a la Máquina
    Cada vez que hacemos una liga
    le enseñamos una idea.
    Piensa en las 100 mil millones de veces por día que los seres humanos hacemos “click” en una página web
    enseñamos a la Máquina
    La máquina
    La máquina somos nosotros
    El texto de digital no es más el solo relacionar información…
    El hipertexto no es más el solo relacionar información…
    La web no es más el solo relacionar información…
    La web es relacionar personas…
    Web 2.0 es relacionar personas…
    … personas que comparten, intercambian, colaboran…
    Web 2.0
    Edita esta página…
    Tú puedes editar esta página

    [ 4:00 ]
    Necesitaremos repensar algunas cosas…
    Necesitaremos repensar el copyright
    Necesitaremos repensar la autoría
    Necesitaremos repensar la identidad
    Necesitaremos repensar la ética
    Necesitaremos repensar la estética
    Necesitaremos repensar la retórica
    Necesitaremos repensar el gobierno
    Necesitaremos repensar la privacidad
    Necesitaremos repensar el comercio
    Necesitaremos repensar el amor
    Necesitaremos repensar la familia
    Necesitaremos repensarnos a nosotros mismos
    Michael Wesch
    Assistant Professor de Antropología Cultural
    Kansas State University
    Música por D E U S
    No hay nada imposible
    [ 4:31]

  13. gabriela ortizmichel Says:

    sorry for the bold and italics in last post!! forgot i’ll get the blog interpret the references as instructions.
    The file will be in a comment at http://teknosedu.blogspot.com/

  14. Jesper Rønn-Jensen Says:

    Hi Gabriela,
    Thanks for sharing! I have modified your previous comment with the bold and italics problem.

  15. gabriela ortizmichel Says:

    Thanks Jesper for arranging my mess.

    I reacently learned there is already a subtitled version for spanish at:

  16. “The Machine is Us/ing Us” [Transcription] » Opening shots across the bow Says:

    […] Us/ing Us, by Tanya Witherspoon (Wichita State University). A further development can be found at justaddwater complete with video-time […]

  17. Wayne Porter on Attention Revenue » Blog Archive » Web 2.0 Machine Re-Revisited Says:

    […] of Tanya Witherspoon from Wichita State University or if you prefer another version courtesy of Jesper Rønn-Jensen, front-end web developer, usability specialist at Capgemini Denmark. Actually I’ll quote his […]