Firefox 2 tip: autocomplete in search box

As Firefox 2 is set to release this Tuesday, I just want to share this neat trick with you.

Use the Google search box in top right corner as a simple calculator. This is really handy for fast lookups, calculations, word definitions, currency conversions.

In short, you can use all features Google makes accessible from their search field.



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3 Responses to “Firefox 2 tip: autocomplete in search box”

  1. Preben Carlsen Says:

    Also works with currencies:

    123 DKK in USD


    123 Danish kroner = 20.9522187 U.S. dollars

  2. Ron Derksen Says:

    Sadly, the currency conversion only works to US Dollars, and not to Euros.

  3. Thomas Watson Steen Says:

    As far as I can see, it works great with Euros. Try for example “123 DKK in EUR“.

    But for some reason I do not see the auto complete working with currency conversion directly in the browser :(