Weblogs in Denmark
For an internal Capgemini presentation I collected these links to give an update on blogging in Denmark. On the web, blogging has become a powerful factor.
- TV-Avisen indslag (2:34) (use Internet Explorer/Windows to see)
- Arla weblogs
- Computerworld artikel om første offentlige danske styrelse med weblog
- Weblog for kunstmuseet Arken
Also, I referer to these international blogs and articles.
- Official Google Blog [According to Adam Bosworth (Google employee), one Google weblog has experienced up to 120,000 hits per second. Maybe this blog?]
- Sun Microsystems employees blogging
- IBM employees blogging
- Yahoo! employees blogging
- Microsoft has made it possible for their developers to blog about projects they’re working on. Two interesting example are Jensen Harris blogging about Office 12 user interface, and the Internet Explorer team blogging about IE7 and web standards.
- The IE7 blog gets a tremendous amount of feedback regarding what browser bugs will be fixed and what will not. Here’s an interesting post creating immense discussion in the community.
- General Motors blogs
- 37Signals blog: Signal vs. Noise
- EDS blog “Next big thing”
- Accenture Netherlands blog
- BBC article Katrina weblog
- London blast map and link to london blast blog
- Alternative McDonald’s blogs: McCronicles and a rude example
UPDATE Jan 24, 2006: I see McDonald’s now has officially started blogging. Via BusinessWeek Online.
Other links and resources: Wikipedia article on Blogs (also available is a Danish article), Bloggers Blog: Fortune 1000 CEO’s not blogging, Over 100+ official corporate blogs., Blog Herald claimed 50+ million blogs worldwide.
Technorati a blog search engine tracking 20.6million blogs (as of writing).
November 11th, 2005 at 14:14 (GMT-1)
References from the blogosphere…
The blogosphere is starting to pick-up references to the BlogPodium. An easy way to track a lot of the references is via a special feature from the Technorati blogsearchengine that shows references to a specific web address. Check here for…
November 13th, 2005 at 13:02 (GMT-1)
Here’s another angle on blogging. Aparently an advertising agency invented a fictive person and a blog to market Cillit Bang. This fictive person left comments in other peoples’ blogs (to spread the word and make links).
In this example, the idea completely backfired. I’m totally overwhelmed by the amount of flames and negative feedback that the fictive person has created.
I think this is a very profound look into the psychology of weblogs and the weblog community. Read more on Tom Coates’ blog “plasticbag”:
On Cillit Bang and a new low for marketers
An apology from the Cillit Bang team
A few odd bits of detective work
December 5th, 2005 at 09:16 (GMT-1)
Just a little piece of information: Robert Scoble mentions that Microsoft has over 2,000 bloggers. I think that’s an amazing number!
From Are you an RSS addict?
January 3rd, 2006 at 01:10 (GMT-1)
From The Long Tail is a link tracking Fortune 500 blogs: