Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/jawdk/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2006/01/screenshot-google-captcha.png) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/www/justaddwater.dk/:/tmp/domains/8d8/justaddwater.dk/:/usr/share/php_binaries/include/) in /home/www/justaddwater.dk/wp-includes/deprecated.php on line 1924
April 12th, 2009 at 23:32 (GMT-1)
To be honest I think that google’s captcha is inaccessible to older people who wear glasses too! I went to sign up for a google account for my email and no matter what I thought was correct, I ended up getting an error message. To be honest I gave up and went to yahoo after speaking with my wife, neadless to say that yahoo email’s cpatcha is far easier to ‘pass’ and thus get access.
I do hope they sort it out soon though, as yes it is still terrible to work out the different letters.
July 22nd, 2009 at 02:08 (GMT-1)
I think Joe is right Google’s captcha is terrible. I had to enter letters 7 times before I get it right. Google needs to work on the recaptcha. But I still believe all companies should remove captcha and work on something similar like NucleusCMS blog plugin. It inserts a hidden field in comment form or any other form which is not visible for human but for spambots. Spambots thinks these fields as the part of comment form and inserts text, which tells plugin that this comment is spam and it refuses to submit it.
I think its much better technique then captcha. What do you think?
July 25th, 2009 at 16:06 (GMT-1)
Whilst that might be effective for small web sites, high profile targets such as Google will be specifically targetted by spammers.
Often a spammers goal would be to simply generate thousands of free Gmail accounts, so they can send spam out through Google’s trusted servers.
With that in mind, a spammer need only inspect the source code and make sure the program that automates the registrations doesn’t fill out that field!
This isn’t limited to Google – anything that a spammer might find useful and worth writing specific scripts for would be a target. E.g. Facebook. A spammer might create thousands of profiles and then generate a ton of traffic through link spam.
Fighting spammers always has been, and always will be, an arms race. We just need to make sure the good guys are winning most of the time!