Gogle’s eplanation for librarians how search and indexing works
Security holes for standard PHP and MySQL
Keyboard shortcuts for use in the EMACS editor (for linux)
Jeff Veen about how to make RSS feed links discoverable
Best of the year material from Luke Wroblewski. By the way I look forward to reading his book “Site-Seeing”
Flock browser bites back
Teaser for upcoming small-business CRM tool
Firefox extension for Flock-like functionality: Blogging-tools, del.icio.us integration, etc.
Peter Morville article 2004. Elements of User Experience: Useful, Usable, Desirable, Findable, Accessible, Credible, Valuable
Really interesting article by John Rhodes. From “ease of learning” to “ease of doing”. From “memorability” to “recommendability”
Quick summary: Use LABELs, less mandatory fields, don’t alter user input, give informative error messages
IBM article on how to setup an automated test environment with ruby on rails and Selenium
Dey alexander > Resources > User Experience Resource Collection > Personas. Commented link collection that can be useful when digging into personas
This entry was posted by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
on Thursday, December 22nd, 2005 at 23:22 (GMT-1) and is filed under Links.
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