Git Side Benefit: Reducing Disk Usage

A side benefit of switching from Subversion to Git for source control is that Git does not use shadow files and directories to find out what has changed.
I created two checkouts of a svn project — one using traditional svn and one using git (which can actually clone a svn repos — see explanation below).

[code lang=”bash”][~/my-projects] du -hd 0 \
> berammelse berammelse.git \
> dokboks dokboks.git \
> intrastat intrastat.git \
> kompetenceregister k2.git \
> ourpeople ourpeople.git \
> let0004 let0004.git

43M berammelse
38M berammelse.git
63M dokboks
11M dokboks.git
53M intrastat
34M intrastat.git
144M kompetenceregister
47M kompetenceregister.git
118M ourpeople
151M ourpeople.git
163M let0004
98M let0004.git
For any project I tried this, Git uses significantly less disk space. It’s just a side effect, I know. But more important: The git version has all the logfile history offline and that makes rolling forward/back much faster :)
FYI i’m using my version of Dr. Nic’s “gitify” command that wraps a “git svn” command. This way I can use git locally and then re-commit into svn when done.

[code lang=”ruby”]#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
# command from
# Install with
# sudo port install git-core +svn

# get svn info location
svnurl = `svn info | grep “^URL:”`.gsub(‘URL: ‘,”).chomp

# project = basename
project = File.basename(Dir.pwd)

puts cmd = “git svn clone #{svnurl} ../#{project}.git”


puts “(‘git svn rebase’ merges changes from svn.\n ‘git svn dcommit’ updates svn with your git commits)”

5 Responses to “Git Side Benefit: Reducing Disk Usage”

  1. Jeet Says:

    I am not entirely sure about git reducing the disk usage, since it has to keep ‘whole’ copies of the commits, I am inclined to think that total size required by a well used git repository would be higher than svn/cvs repository that will only keep differences.

    Might try something locally before I can conclude.. but yeah, I have switched to git already :))

  2. Jesper Rønn-Jensen Says:

    @Jeet i follow your thoughts but the repositories I tested with above actually shows a disk usage reduction.

    The biggest SVN repository above had more than 16,000 commits and the Git version was 40% smaller even though it contained the entire project history.

    So even though that the svn repositories here are only snapshots in time (the history remains on the server), there is a significant difference.

    BTW, the Git repos also only contains differences between each revision.

  3. Andrew Says:

    They say there that GIT version of Mozilla repository is 420 MB instead of 12 GB in SVN.
    But that’s the remote repository, which does not really matter to me :-)
    What matters to me is that when I download it to my machine, with GIT I have to download the entire 420 MB :-( while with SVN only a snapshot of the latest sources.
    Distributed VCSs are good for large decentralized projects.

  4. subbarao Says:

    Hey guys, I want to know the exact procedure used by git to reduce disk usage i.e. the algorithm used by it to store changes. Any suggestions ???

  5. | Using Git for SVN Repositories Workflow Says:

    […] the last months I have been using Git to work with my Subversion repositories. Besides from reducing disk usage, Git also makes my work slightly faster and independent of network access — I can make […]